by fitdiydad | Jul 1, 2020 | Financial Independence / Early Retirement
Building up your net worth to the point that you’re “wealthy” is usually a conscious choice. It involves sacrificing some of the fun and experiences present-you will have for the benefit of future-you. On the flip-side, choosing a life of “just...
by fitdiydad | Jun 24, 2020 | Money
Compound interest is an amazing ally to have in your corner to reach your financial goals, or it can be your fiercest foe if you have it working against you. You’ve probably heard of ‘compound interest’ and you probably have an idea of what it is,...
by fitdiydad | Jun 21, 2020 | Investing
So you’re wondering what a stock screener is… Here’s the short answer: A stock screener is a tool that allows investors to filter (or “screen”) stocks, mutual funds or ETFs based on specific criteria and/or metrics of your choosing. If...
by fitdiydad | Jun 17, 2020 | Investing
As investors, we have the power to be fearful of big price changes in stocks or to use them to our advantage. The choice is ours. If you’re investing in the stock market you need to be mentally AND financially prepared. Reason for this is that stock prices will...
by fitdiydad | Sep 5, 2019 | Financial Independence / Early Retirement
[Note: This is my first attempt at a series and FIRE Hacking is a topic there’s a lot I want to cover. I’m also trying to keep the posts shorter, but still working on that.] If you’ve thought (or dreamt) of early retirement, but been discouraged...
by fitdiydad | Jul 10, 2019 | Investing
If you’ve read much from the FIRE community you’ve probably heard about the practically guaranteed 7% expected return from index funds (that’s becoming borderline dogmatic). And if you’ve been following the market you may have noticed that over...