How To Benefit From Stock Market Fluctuations
As investors, we have the power to be fearful of big price changes in stocks or to use them to our advantage. The choice is ours. If you're investing in the stock market you need to be mentally AND financially prepared. Reason for this is that stock prices will vary...
30-Day Procrastination Challenge: Posting Twice a Week…While Lowering My Standards
Excuse me while I lower my standards. It's not about slacking or writing sub-par posts. Procrastination experiment It's an experiment to counteract perfectionism and overcome procrastination to help me (and you) get over myself/yourself and the roadblocks in our...
Fit Mindset & Internal Locus of Control: “Yes, I Can Too…”
[NOTE: Not trying to be clickbaity with the title, be a "me too" movement post or promoting adult literacy (but reading is awesome!). This was just the title screaming out at me after I got off the phone with a friend and had a conversation that inspired this post....
FIRE Hacking: Early Retirement (Even) If You Don’t Earn A Lot $$$
[Note: This is my first attempt at a series and FIRE Hacking is a topic there's a lot I want to cover. I'm also trying to keep the posts shorter, but still working on that.] If you've thought (or dreamt) of early retirement, but been discouraged because the examples...
Index Funds & FIRE: Deeper Look Into Important Questions & Risks
If you've read much from the FIRE community you've probably heard about the practically guaranteed 7% expected return from index funds (that's becoming borderline dogmatic). And if you've been following the market you may have noticed that over the last 10 years it's...